A university suburb with plenty of cafes, terrace houses and a strong Italian flavour. Bellisimo.
Carlton, Melbourne (inner north)
Carlton is Melbourne's Italian fix. It is vibrant, colourful and interesting. Some of its residents are the university intellectual type, some are of the family variety, others are newly arrived migrants. And there's the occasional doof doof music fan driving his hotted up car around on a Saturday night. Oh yeah mate! Carlton is steeped in history and diversity. It is home to one of Melbourne's best book stores (Readings), pizza, pasta, coffee, gelati, and an art-house cinema with cheap movies on Mondays. So, how could you go wrong living in one of Melbourne's best suburbs? There is a constant buzz to Carlton, especially around Lygon Street. The northern end of Rathdowne St is another winner. The architecture is mostly Victorian cottages and terraces in tree-lined streets. But in more recent years, high rise apartment buildings have gone up to cater for the growing student population. Rathdowne Street has public housing which has recently become home to refugees and migrants from the Horn of Africa. Carlton also has a decent number of historically important buildings: Trades Hall building, and the Royal Exhibition Building in Carlton Gardens which is World Heritage listed. There's also the modern Melbourne Museum.
North Carlton is another winner of a suburb. It tends to attract professionals in their late 20's and upwards. It is quieter than Carlton proper. Nicholson St and Rathdowne St in North Carlton have interesting shops with more of a local or village feel. Check out the Natural Tucker Bakery in Nicholson St. One of Melbourne's best libraries is in Rathdowne St in North Carlton.