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TRANSPORT in Dee Why, Sydney (northern beaches)


Services include:

From Pittwater Rd:
136 – Manly via Dee Why to Chatswood
146 – Dee Why War Veterans home to Manly
151 – City Queen Victoria Buidling via Manly to Mona Vale
155 – Bayview Village via Mona Vale Hospital to Wynyward
156 – Manly via Warringah Mall, Dee Why to Mona Vale
158 – Manly via Warringah Mall, Dee Why to Cromer
159 – Manly to Dee Why
169 – Manly via Narabeena, Skyline Shops to City Wynyard
178 – Dee Why via Balgowlah Shops to City Wynyard Station and QVB
L78 – Dee Why to North Sydney (Limited Stops)
179 – Collaroy Plateau via Dee Why, Warringah Mall, Balgowlah, Mosman, Neutral Bay to City Wynyard Station

From Howard St:
159 – Manly to Dee Why
176 – Dee Why to City Wynyard
E76 - Dee Why to City Wynyard. Express service

For more information on routes and time-tables, go to