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CHILD CARE in Footscray, Melbourne (inner west)

Angliss Children Centre
13 Vipont St, Footscray 3011
Ph: (03) 9689 9844

Brenbeal Children's Centre
8 Rayner St, Footscray 3011
Ph: (03) 9317 8244

Empire Street Child Care Centre
8 Empire St, Footscray 3011
Ph: (03) 9317 7866

Footscray Nicholson Children's Centre
Victoria University
Ground Floor, Hoadley Building
Footscray Campus
Albert St, Footscray 3011
Ph: 03) 9919 8698

Footscray Park Child Care Centre
Footscray Park Campus, Victoria University
8 Geelong Rd, Footscray 3011
Ph: (03) 9688 4578

Hyde St Kindergarten
10A Hyde Street, Footscray 3011
Ph: (03) 9687 3894.

Maribyrnong Family Day Care
Cnr Hyde and Napier Sts, Footscray 3011
Ph: (03) 9688 0120

Saltwater Child Care Centre
14 Nicholson St, Footscray 3011
Ph: (03) 9689 4130