Find the place to suit your personality and lifestyle.


    Paddington 2021

Rent: 2 br apartment: $325 - $1,500 pw

Vibe: Social

Location: Parks, Near UNSW, Inner city

One of the most interesting and vibrant suburbs in Sydney. It is colourful, energetic, arty, progressive, and a magnet for designer stores. Once a rough working class suburb, Paddington has done a 180-degree and become the preferred home to those with money, and a penchant for style and inner city living.  It is very safe and a shoppers' magnet. (More information below...)



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FEEDBACK Print E-mail

  • What a superb website. I really enjoyed flicking through the easy-to-read pages. Of course I checked up on my own suburb, Potts Point. It's aptly described. Congratulations on the outcome!

Sue Jackson
Manager, Womens Markets NSW & ACT| Westpac Banking Corporation



  • I found the website cute and easy to read; accurate. Good luck.

Peter Macdonald
Manly Mayor



  • I think that it does speak to young people in a language that they are familiar with and that is approachable, and its quirkiness is attractive, for example comparing suburbs to styles of shoes! I think it would be useful for students, particularly those from overseas. I did a search and the results were clear, offering good coverage of the features and contacts in a suburb.
    I think that the section dedicated to FAQs is interesting from a foreigner's perspective as it covers things like tipping, the airport, renting, prices and the GST. I also think that from an international or non-local perspective the section based on 21 day trips in Sydney is another great promotion as this is a positive way of promoting some of Sydney's highlights.

UTS student

  • When we decided to head down to Australia (from Houston) I was more than overwhelmed with the prospect of laying out the trip. We were going to be there for 10 days and the challenge of putting a perfect trip together seemed to grow each day. Where do you go? What do you do? How do you get around? I found all of the "major sites' but well into the process stumbled upon a referral to Since the referral was so strong I decided to take a look. It was tremendous. The simple fact is you can't learn everything or go everywhere in 10 days, and the well-known sites were just overwhelming and it seemed I had to garner them all to get everything I needed. We are talking serious over-load; that's when I found cityhobo. It was clean, un-cluttered and had all of the essentials of a trip without the clutter. I was looking for "high-value" information not needless filler. It is exceptional. Also of great interest is their info on suburbs and real estate as we may be looking for a place to rent/buy for my son. Make your first site visit; it will save you a lot of time and frustration.

Jerald Broussard (Houston, Texas)

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